• brass

    美: [bræs] 

    brass 基本解释

    • n. 黄铜;黄铜制品;铜管乐器;厚脸皮
    • n. (Brass)人名;(英、法、德)布拉斯

    brass 词态变化

    复数: brasses;

    brass 中文词源

    brass 黄铜

    词源同burn, 燃烧。由铜和锡冶炼而成。

    brass 英文词源

    brass: [OE] Related forms occur in one or two other Germanic languages (such as Middle Low German bras, which meant simply ‘metal’), but essentially brass is a mystery word, of unknown ancestry. Its association with ‘effrontery’ begins in the late 16th century, prefigured by Shakespeare’s ‘face of brass’ in Love’s Labours Lost 1580, and by the first instances of the use of the derived adjective brazen to mean ‘shameless’ (the underlying notion is probably of a face as hard as brass, and therefore unable to show shame). Brass ‘high-ranking people’, as in top brass, comes from brass hat [19], a derogatory slang term for a senior military officer with golden insignia on his cap.
    brass (n.)
    Old English bræs "brass, bronze," originally in reference to an alloy of copper and tin (now bronze), later and in modern use an alloy of two parts copper, one part zinc. A mystery word, with no known cognates beyond English. Perhaps akin to French brasser "to brew," because it is an alloy. It also has been compared to Old Swedish brasa "fire," but no sure connection can be made. Yet another theory connects it with Latin ferrum "iron," itself of obscure origin.

    As brass was unknown in antiquity, use of the word in Bible translations, etc., likely means "bronze." The Romans were the first to deliberately make it. Words for "brass" in other languages (such as German Messing, Old English mæsling, French laiton, Italian ottone) also tend to be difficult to explain.

    The meaning "effrontery, impudence" is from 1620s. Slang sense of "high officials" is first recorded 1899. The brass tacks that you get down to (1897) probably are the ones used to measure cloth on the counter of a dry goods store, suggesting precision. Slang brass balls "toughness, courage" (emphatically combining two metaphors for the same thing) attested by 1960s.

    brass 词组搭配

    brassed off

    (Brit. informal)exasperated


    a brass farthing

    [with negative](informal)no money or assets at all


    she hasn't got two brass farthings to rub together.


    get down to brass tacks

    (informal)start to consider the basic facts or practical details


    the brass ring

    (N. Amer. informal)success, typically as regarded as a reward for ambition or hard work


    where there's muck there' brass

    brass 英文释义

    1. an alloy of copper and zinc
    2. a wind instrument that consists of a brass tube (usually of variable length) blown by means of a cup-shaped or funnel-shaped mouthpiece
    3. the persons (or committees or departments etc.) who make up a body for the purpose of administering something;
    "he claims that the present administration is corrupt"
    "the governance of an association is responsible to its members"
    "he quickly became recognized as a member of the establishment"
    4. impudent aggressiveness;
    "I couldn't believe her boldness"
    "he had the effrontery to question my honesty"
    5. an ornament or utensil made of brass
    6. the section of a band or orchestra that plays brass instruments
    7. a memorial made of brass

    brass 双语例句

    1. " Brass " is slang for " money ".
    brass ” 是 “ money ” 一词的俚语.


    2. He once again raised his baton and brought in the brass.


    3. They are available in polished brass, antique brass or silver-plate.


    4. Copper, brass and aluminium are separated and remelted for reuse.


    5. I felt loath to sully the gleaming brass knocker by handling it.


    brass 实用场景例句

    solid brass fittings/door handles
    纯黄铜装置 / 门把手


    a brass plate (= a sign outside a building giving the name and profession of the person who works there)


    to clean/polish the brass
    擦净 / 擦亮黄铜器


    music for piano, strings and brass


    I didn't think she would have the brass neck to do that.


    The girls' outdoor track team has grabbed the brass ring seven times.


    Angola's ruling party was due to get down to brass tacks today with a debate on the party's record.


    The brass are reluctant to fraternise with the enlisted men.


    He once again raised his baton and brought in the brass.


    The instrument is beautifully made in brass.


    The wrath of the lion is the wisdom of God.


    Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc.


    Once he is here, he won't leave; he just sits there as bold as brass.
    他一来了就不走, 死皮赖脸地坐在那儿.


    Obviously the thief had simply walked out this way as bold as brass.


    Brass tarnishes quickly in wet weather.


    Many of the workers play in the factory's brass band.


    Brass is formed by the fusion of copper and zinc.


    We'd better get the place tidied up; the top brass are coming tomorrow.
    我们最好把这个地方收拾一下, 上级长官明天要来.


    Formerly most of our household utensils were made of brass.


    Never mind the side issues, let's get down to brass tacks and thrash out a basic agreement.
    别管枝节问题, 让我们讨论问题的实质,以求得基本一致.


    He walked in , bold as brass, wearing nothing but his underpants.
    他走了进来, 只穿一条衬裤,极为厚颜无耻.


    They are the top brass of steel industry.


    " Brass " is slang for " money ".
    “ brass ” 是 “ money ” 一词的俚语.


    Number 30 has a red door and a brass knocker.


    The brass is [ are ] too loud.
    铜管 乐器的声音太响了.


    I read her name on the polished brass plate.


    School brass band will provide music for entertainment.


    Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc.


    the fusion of copper and zinc to produce brass


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