• xi

    英:[ksaɪ; gzaɪ; saɪ; zaɪ]  
    美: [saɪ] 

    xi 基本解释

    • n. 希腊字母的第14个字母;粒子(等于xi particle)

    xi 中文词源

    xi 希腊字母表的第14个字母


    xi 英文词源

    xi (n.)
    fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet.

    xi 英文释义

    1. the 14th letter of the Greek alphabet

    xi 双语例句

    1. Xi'an is an ancient city full of treasures and saintly relics.
    西安 是一个有很多宝藏和神圣的遗物的古老城市.


    2. She played Xi'er in The White - Haired Girl.


    3. RESULTS: Sixteen perlolyrine analogues were synthsized ( I ~ XVI ). Of them, 8 compounds ( I, II , V ~ VII , IX , XI and XV ) were first reported.
    结果: 合成了16个川芎哚的类似物 ( I~XVI ), 其中8个化合物 ( I, I, V~VI, IX, XI和XV ) 是新化合物.


    4. The first stage of our journey to Xi'an will be the flight from Dalian to Beijing.
    我们去 西安 的第一段路程将乘飞机从大连到北京.


    5. Generally speaking, tourists should first visit cities like Beijing, Shanghai and Xi'an .
    一般地说, 第一次到中国应当先到北京 、 上海、 西安 等地.

    来自汉英文学 - 散文英译

    xi 实用场景例句

    She played Xi'er in The White - Haired Girl.


    What time does the train from Xi'an get in?
    从 西安 来的车什么时候进站?


    Two days alter, Louis Bleriot arrived near Calais with a plane called'No. XI '.
    两天之后, 路易斯.布莱里奥驾驶一名为“11号”的飞机来到加来附近.


    " In fifth moon Xi Shi gathers them with smiles , Watchers o'erwhelm the Bank of Yuoye Stream. "
    五月西施采,人看隘若 耶.

    英汉 - 翻译样例 - 文学

    To avoid worrying about it, he trudged in the direction of Xi'anmen Gate.
    为免得再为这个事思索, 他一直走向 西安 门大街去.

    汉英文学 - 骆驼祥子

    As for Xiangzi , since leaving Harmony Yard he had avoided Xi'anmen Gate Street.
    祥子, 自从离开人和厂,不肯再走西安门大街.

    汉英文学 - 骆驼祥子

    His bedding was still in Harmony Yard on Xi'anmen Road, so he naturally headed there.
    他的铺盖还在西安门大街人和车厂呢, 自然他想奔那里去.

    汉英文学 - 骆驼祥子

    The biological effects of various gamma - radiation doses will be considered more fully in Chapter XI.


    Just like Xi'an, it never rains, but it pours.
    西安就是这样, 不下则已,一下倾盆.


    Well, I have been to Xi'an and Guilin.
    嗯, 去过 西安 和桂林.


    Guilin, Shanghai and Xi'an etc.
    桂林和 西安 等城市旅游.


    The weather in Xi'an is always changeable.
    西安 的天气很易变的.


    I go to Xi'an Foreign Language University.
    我在 西安 外国语大学上学.


    RESULTS: Sixteen perlolyrine analogues were synthsized ( I ~ XVI ). Of them, 8 compounds ( I, II , V ~ VII , IX , XI and XV ) were first reported.
    结果: 合成了16个川芎哚的类似物 ( I~XVI ), 其中8个化合物 ( I, I, V~VI, IX, XI和XV ) 是新化合物.


    In Xi'an in July the sun is incredibly fierce.
    7月的 西安,骄阳似火.


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