• decile

    美: ['dɛsaɪl] 

    decile 基本解释

    • n. 十分相;十分位数

    decile 中文词源

    decile 十分位数

    来自deci-, 十分之一。用于数学名词。

    decile 英文词源

    decile (adj.)
    1670s in astrology; 1882 in statistics; from French décile or Medieval Latin *decilis, from Latin decem "ten" (see ten) on the model of quintilis, sextilis.

    decile 英文释义

    1. (statistics) any of nine points that divided a distribution of ranked scores into equal intervals where each interval contains one-tenth of the scores

    decile 双语例句

    1. Within the top decile, the super - rich have left the merely well - off far behind.
    在顶端的那些非常富裕的人已经把刚刚 小康 的人远远地甩在了后面.


    decile 实用场景例句

    Within the top decile, the super - rich have left the merely well - off far behind.
    在顶端的那些非常富裕的人已经把刚刚 小康 的人远远地甩在了后面.


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