• beadle


    beadle 基本解释

    • n. 游行领队;教区执事;小吏
    • n. (Beadle)人名;(英)比德尔

    beadle 英文词源

    beadle: see bid
    beadle (n.)
    Old English bydel "herald, messenger from an authority, preacher," from beodan "to proclaim" (see bid). Sense of "warrant officer, tipstaff" was in late Old English; that of "petty parish officer," which has given the job a bad reputation, is from 1590s. French bédeau (Old French bedel, 12c.) is a Germanic loan-word.

    beadle 英文释义

    1. a minor parish official who serves as an usher and preserves order at services

    beadle 双语例句

    1. The grim beadle now made a gesture with his staff.

    来自英汉文学 - 红字

    2. In the absence of the active and intelligent beadle, the Coroner conversed with Mr. Tulkinghorn.
    当那个精明强干的地保不在场的时候, 验尸官和图金霍恩先生谈了谈.


    3. Mr. Snagsby's suggestion is the practical suggestion after all, and the beadle must be called in.
    斯纳斯比先生的意见毕竟是对的, 这会儿必须把地保找来.


    4. The Bishopsent for him, reproved him gently, and appointed him beadle in the cathedral.
    主教却把他招来, 轻轻责备了几句, 派他去充当天主堂里的持戟士.


    beadle 实用场景例句

    The grim beadle now made a gesture with his staff.

    英汉文学 - 红字

    In the absence of the active and intelligent beadle, the Coroner conversed with Mr. Tulkinghorn.
    当那个精明强干的地保不在场的时候, 验尸官和图金霍恩先生谈了谈.


    Mr. Snagsby's suggestion is the practical suggestion after all, and the beadle must be called in.
    斯纳斯比先生的意见毕竟是对的, 这会儿必须把地保找来.


    The Bishopsent for him, reproved him gently, and appointed him beadle in the cathedral.
    主教却把他招来, 轻轻责备了几句, 派他去充当天主堂里的持戟士.


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