• dialog

    美: ['daɪə,lɑg] 

    dialog 基本解释

    • n. 对话;会话

    dialog 词态变化

    复数: dialogs;

    dialog 英文词源

    see dialogue.

    dialog 英文释义

    1. a conversation between two persons
    2. the lines spoken by characters in drama or fiction
    3. a literary composition in the form of a conversation between two people;
    "he has read Plato's Dialogues in the original Greek"

    dialog 双语例句

    1. At last there can be a reasonable dialog between our two governments.


    2. Modeless dialog boxes frequently have several buttons that immediately invoke various functions.

    来自About Face 3交互设计精髓

    3. There is probably no user - interface idiom more abused than the error dialog.

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    4. An error dialog should always be polite, illuminating, and helpful.
    错误消息框应该始终有礼貌 、 具有启发性, 还要助人为乐.

    来自About Face 3交互设计精髓

    5. The pantry plays a secondary role, as should dialog boxes.
    食品储藏室应该处于从属地位, 对话框也应该如此.

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    dialog 实用场景例句

    Modeless dialog boxes frequently have several buttons that immediately invoke various functions.

    About Face 3交互设计精髓

    An error dialog should always be polite, illuminating, and helpful.
    错误消息框应该始终有礼貌 、 具有启发性, 还要助人为乐.

    About Face 3交互设计精髓

    The pantry plays a secondary role, as should dialog boxes.
    食品储藏室应该处于从属地位, 对话框也应该如此.

    About Face 3交互设计精髓

    Property dialog boxes can be either modal or modeless.

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    Can you rearrange things on the window or dialog to expand horizontally?

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    A properties dialog box generally controls the current selection.

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    A Move dialog would then appear with the current document highlighted.

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    Are you canceling the dialog and leaving the rules mismatched?

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    Do your users a favor and never create another confirmation dialog box.

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    Think of the dialog as being in either beginner or advanced mode.

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    Address every primary view and dialog possible.

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    Use consistent terminating commands for modeless dialog boxes.

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    Use object names in property dialog title bars.

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    Use verbs in function dialog title bars.

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    The dialog box, another use of the pop - up window , was the tool that simplified the menu.
    另外一种 弹出窗口 的使用方式, 对话框就是简化菜单的工具.

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