• expletive

    英:[ɪk'spliːtɪv; ek-]  
    美: ['ɛksplətɪv] 

    expletive 基本解释

    • adj. 附加的;填补的
    • n. 填补物;咒骂语

    expletive 词态变化

    复数: expletives;

    expletive 中文词源

    expletive 咒骂语

    ex-, 向外。-ple, 满的,词源同full, fulfill. 即拿出去的,后用来指不便刊印的脏话,咒骂语。

    expletive 英文词源

    expletive: [17] Originally, an expletive word was simply one used to ‘fill up’ a line of verse, to complete its metrical pattern (expletive comes from Latin explētus, the past participle of explēre ‘fill out’, a compound formed from the prefix ex- ‘out’ and plēre ‘fill’, source of English complete and related to English fill).

    Hence the term came to be used for a redundant word, not contributing anything to the meaning of the sentence: “The Key my loose, powerless fingers forsook”, a lame and expletive way of saying “I dropt the key”, Robert Southey 1804. The first recorded example of its euphemistic application as a noun to ‘profanities’ is by Sir Walter Scott in Guy Mannering 1815: ‘retaining only such of their expletives as are least offensive’.
    => complete, full
    expletive (n.)
    1610s, "a word or phrase serving to fill out a sentence or metrical line," from Middle French explétif (15c.) and directly from Late Latin expletivus "serving to fill out," from explet-, past participle stem of Latin explere "fill out, fill up, glut," from ex- "out" (see ex-) + plere "to fill" (see pleio-).

    Sense of "an exclamation," especially "a curse word, an oath," first recorded 1815 in Sir Walter Scott, popularized by edited transcripts of Watergate tapes (mid-1970s), in which expletive deleted replaced President Nixon's salty expressions. As an adjective, from 1660s.
    expletive (adj.)
    mid-15c., in grammar, "correlative," from Latin expletivus "serving to fill out" (see expletive (n.)).

    expletive 英文释义

    1. profane or obscene expression usually of surprise or anger;
    "expletives were deleted"
    2. a word or phrase conveying no independent meaning but added to fill out a sentence or metrical line

    expletive 双语例句

    1. It is a " damned human race " in a not merely expletive sense.
    那是 “ 倒霉的人类 ”,这样说并非只是感叹的意思.


    2. I mean, I just about ( expletive ) in my pants.
    我的意思是, 我只是在说 ( 咒骂 ) 我的裤子.


    3. We're not going to take this ( expletive ) any more.


    4. Please take your seats and shut the ( expletive ) up.
    请你们入座,还有收声 ( 咒骂语 ) 了.


    5. Expletive - laced language filled her head.


    expletive 实用场景例句

    I mean, I just about ( expletive ) in my pants.
    我的意思是, 我只是在说 ( 咒骂 ) 我的裤子.


    We're not going to take this ( expletive ) any more.


    It is a " damned human race " in a not merely expletive sense.
    那是 “ 倒霉的人类 ”,这样说并非只是感叹的意思.


    Please take your seats and shut the ( expletive ) up.
    请你们入座,还有收声 ( 咒骂语 ) 了.


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