• th

    th 基本解释

    • abbr. 真实航向(True Heading)

    th 英文词源

    A sound found chiefly in words of Old English, Old Norse or Greek origin, unpronounceable by Normans and many other Europeans. In Greek, the sound corresponds etymologically to Sanskrit -dh- and English -d-; and it was represented graphically by -TH- and at first pronounced as a true aspirate (as still in English outhouse, shithead, etc.). But by 2c. B.C.E. the Greek letter theta was in universal use and had the modern "-th-" sound. Latin had neither the letter nor the sound, however, and the Romans represented Greek theta by -TH-, which they generally pronounced, at least in Late Latin, as simple "-t-" (passed down to Romanic languages, as in Spanish termal "thermal," teoria "theory," teatro "theater").

    In Germanic languages it represents PIE *-t- and was common at the start of words or after stressed vowels. To represent it, Old English and Old Norse used the characters ð "eth" (a modified form of -d-) and þ "thorn," which originally was a rune. Old English, unlike Old Norse, seems never to have standardized which of the two versions of the sound ("hard" and "soft") was represented by which of the two letters.

    The digraph -th- sometimes appears in early Old English, on the Roman model, and it returned in Middle English with the French scribes, driving out eth by c. 1250, but thorn persisted, especially in demonstratives (þat, þe, þis, etc.), even as other words were being spelled with -th-. The advent of printing dealt its death-blow, however, as types were imported from continental founders, who had no thorn. For a time y was used in its place (especially in Scotland), because it had a similar shape, hence ye for the in historical tourist trap Ye Olde _______ Shoppe (it never was pronounced "ye," only spelled that way).

    The awareness that some Latin words in t- were from Greek th- encouraged over-correction in English and created unetymological forms such as Thames and author, while some words borrowed from Romanic languages preserve, on the Roman model, the Greek -th- spelling but the simple Latin "t" pronunciation (as in Thomas and thyme).

    th 英文释义

    1. the fifth day of the week; the fourth working day
    2. a soft silvery-white tetravalent radioactive metallic element; isotope 232 is used as a power source in nuclear reactors; occurs in thorite and in monazite sands

    th 双语例句

    1. The statue has been dated as 5 th century BC.


    2. It had the appearance of an 18 th century church.


    3. This custom has been carried down from the 18 th century.


    4. This custom has been passed down since the 18 th century.


    5. It was the deadly striker's 11 th goal of the season.


    th 实用场景例句

    The statue has been dated as 5 th century BC.


    It had the appearance of an 18 th century church.


    This custom has been passed down since the 18 th century.


    In the 19 th century waterpower was widely utilized to generate electricity.


    We are in receipt of your letter of the 10 th.


    The king confirmed that the election would be held on July 20 th.


    Modern music has broken away from 18 th century rules.


    They had to change the date fixed to Feb. 28 th.


    He scored two home runs back to back in the 9 th inning.


    The 5 th Regiment bore down on the enemy positions.


    The 20 th of this month is the closing day for application.


    The 19 th century was the heyday of steam railways.


    Chinese good athletes won 148 gold medals in the 11 th Asian Games.


    We get our pay on the 6 th of every month.


    Gunpowder was used in China as far back as the 11 th century.


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