measured 基本解释
- adj. 量过的;慎重的;基于标准的;有规则的
- v. 测量,判断(measure的过去分词)
measured 中文词源
measured 克制的,慎重的来自measure,测量,衡量。比喻用法。
measured 英文词源
- measured (adj.)
- late 14c., "deliberate, restrained," adjective from past participle of measure (v.). Meaning "uniform, regular" is from c. 1400.
measured 英文释义
- 1. determined by measurement;
- "the measured distance was less than a mile"
- 2. the rhythmic arrangement of syllables
- 3. carefully thought out in advance;
- "a calculated insult"
- "with measured irony"
- 4. with care and dignity;
- "walking at the same measured pace"
- "with all deliberate speed"
measured 双语例句
- 1. The Egyptians probably measured their day in twenty-four hours of unequal length.
- 埃及人很有可能用不同长度的24小时来度量日子。
- 2. He measured the speed at which ultrasonic waves travel along the bone.
- 他测出了超声波穿过骨头的速度。
- 3. The packets are measured to reduce waste.
- 包裹的大小经过测量以减少浪费。
- 4. Her more measured response will appeal to voters.
- 她那更为慎重的答复会受到选民的欢迎。
- 5. The men spoke in soft, measured tones.
- 这些人说话的语气轻柔而平稳。
measured 实用场景例句
- She replied in a measured tone to his threat.
- 她以很有分寸的语气回答了他的威胁。
- He walked down the corridor with measured steps.
- 他迈着缓慢而匀称的脚步沿着走廊走去。
- The men spoke in soft, measured tones...
- 这些人说话的语气轻柔而平稳。
- Her more measured response will appeal to voters...
- 她那更为慎重的答复会受到选民的欢迎。
- The pharmacist carefully measured out a dose of herbal medicine and told me how to brew it.
- 药剂师仔细地配好一服草药,并告诉我煎药的方法.
- Suddenly feeling faint, he measured out his length on the floor.
- 他突然感到头晕, 跌倒在地.
- He measured the rope to see if it was long enough.
- 他量了那根绳子看是否够长.
- They measured the strength of an electric current.
- 他们测量了电流的强度.
- But the breadth of the economic transformation can't be measured by numbers alone.
- 但不能只靠数字来衡量经济变化的程度.
- Hurry up. Don't walk with measured steps.
- 快走, 别迈方步了.
- I remember when I first measured swords with you and you defeated my argument in two minutes!
- 我记得头一次同你较量时,你不出两分钟就把我的论点驳得体无完肤.
- It can not be measured in terms of money.
- 这是不能用金钱衡量的.
- Success should not be measured solely by educational achievement.
- 成功与否不应只用学业成绩来衡量.
- It's a science in that it can be measured by results and is subject to methodological analysis.
- 说它是科学,因为它可以通过结果来衡量,并须经方法论来分析.
- Terrestrial longitude is measured in degrees east or west of the Greenwich meridian.
- 地球的经度是用格林尼治子午线向东或向西的度数来表示的.
- When the cloth was measured, it was found to be half a chi longer than expected.
- 把布一量, 涨出了半尺.
- A policeman walked by with a slow, measured tread.
- 一名警察迈着小心的步子慢慢走过.
- The dress designer measured her client for her new clothes.
- 服装设计师为她的顾客量体裁衣.
- The storm measured 10 on the Beaufort scale .
- 这次风暴按蒲福风级测量为10级。
- He delivered his words in slow, measured cadences.
- 他讲话缓慢而抑扬顿挫、把握有度。
- We measured the dimensions of the kitchen.
- 我们测量了厨房的大小。
- A ship's speed is measured in knots.
- 船速以节测量。
- She replied in a measured tone to his threat.
- 她以很有分寸的语气回答了他的威胁。
- Peace could come only gradually, in carefully measured steps. Even then, it sounds almost impossible to achieve.
- 和平只会逐渐到来,而且每一步都走得小心翼翼。即使那样,要实现和平听起来仍几乎不可能。
- The packets are measured to reduce waste.
- 包裹的大小经过测量以减少浪费。
- He measured the distance to the nearest Antarctic coast, and onwards to the South Pole.
- 他测量了到南极洲海岸最近的距离,以及从海岸再到南极的距离。
- A grammar school's success was measured in terms of the number of pupils who got into university.
- 一所文法学校成功与否是以考上大学的学生人数为衡量依据的。
- The environment itself will at the same time be measured by about 60 scientific instruments.
- 同时环境本身将由大约60种科学器械来测量。
- Her more measured response will appeal to voters.
- 她那更为慎重的答复会受到选民的欢迎。
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