tattoo 词态变化
复数: tattoos;第三人称单数: tattoos;过去式: tattooed;过去分词: tattooed;现在分词: tattooing;
tattoo 中文词源
tattoo 文身,刺青由 18 世纪英国著名航海家库克船长引入英国,来自太平洋小岛某土著语言,其原义可能为 在脸上打的标记或以示惩罚的记号,后引申词义文身,刺青。比较《水浒传》。
tattoo 英文词源
- tattoo
- tattoo: English has two words tattoo. The older, ‘military display’ [17], was borrowed from a Dutch word, taptoe, that means literally ‘tap to’, that is, ‘shut the tap’ – a signal to shut off the taps of the beer barrels at closing time in the taverns. By the time it reached English it was being used for a ‘drum beat signalling the time for soldiers to return to their quarters at night’, and in the 18th century it was applied to a ‘military display based on this’. The tattoo on the skin [18] was borrowed from a Polynesian language, such as Tahitian (tatau) or Marquesan (ta-tu).
=> tap - tattoo (v.)
- "mark the skin with pigment," 1769, tattow, from tattoo (n.2). Related: Tattooed; tattooing. Thackeray has tattooage.
- tattoo (n.1)
- "signal calling soldiers or sailors to quarters at night," 1680s, earlier tap-to (1640s), from Dutch taptoe, from tap "faucet of a cask" (see tap (n.1)) + toe "shut, to," from Proto-Germanic *to (see to (prep.)). "So called because police formerly visited taverns in the evening to shut off the taps of casks" [Barnhart]. In 17c. Dutch the phrase apparently was used with a transferred or figurative sense "say no more." In English, transferred sense of "drumbeat" is recorded from 1755. Hence, Devil's tattoo "action of idly drumming fingers in irritation or impatience" (1803).
- tattoo (n.2)
- "pigment design in skin," 1769 (noun and verb, both first attested in writing of Capt. Cook), from a Polynesian noun (such as Tahitian and Samoan tatau, Marquesan tatu "puncture, mark made on skin"). Century Dictionary (1902) describes them as found on sailors and uncivilized people or as a sentence of punishment.
tattoo 英文释义
- 1. a drumbeat or bugle call that signals the military to return to their quarters
- 2. a design on the skin made by tattooing
- 3. the practice of making a design on the skin by pricking and staining
tattoo 双语例句
- 1. He has a tattoo on the back of his hand.
- 他手臂上有一文刺.
- 2. He beat a frantic tattoo with his hands on the door.
- 他用手疯狂地连续敲门.
- 3. I've decided to get my tattoo removed.
- 我已经决定去掉我身上的纹身.
- 4. She's having a tattoo done on her leg.
- 她要在腿上刺纹身.
- 5. In the old days, they would paint and tattoo their bodies for ceremonies.
- 过去,他们举行各种仪式前会在身上进行彩绘、文身。
tattoo 实用场景例句
- His arms were covered in tattoos.
- 他的胳膊上刺满了花纹。
- He had a heart tattooed on his shoulder.
- 他让人给他在肩膀上刺了一颗心形图案。
- His shoulder was tattooed with a heart.
- 他的肩膀上刺了一颗心形图案。
- In the old days, they would paint and tattoo their bodies for ceremonies...
- 过去,他们举行各种仪式前会在身上进行彩绘、文身。
- He had the words 'Angie loves Ian' tattooed on his left shin.
- 他在左小腿上文了“安吉爱伊恩”几个字。
- Andrew a flick knife, and a death's head tattoo. He's great in a fight, our Andrew.
- 安得鲁有把弹簧刀, 身上文着骷髅头, 打起架来很凶.
- I've decided to get my tattoo removed.
- 我已经决定去掉我身上的纹身.
- If you're thinking about a tattoo, you may end up getting a network TV promo instead.
- 如果你在考虑纹身, 你可能会得到一个电视预告.
- Which member of Adama's crew is known to have a tiger tattoo?
- 阿达玛的船员中谁有一个老虎的文身?
- Whenever he gets angry, he never shouts but beats the devil's tattoo on his desk.
- 每次他生气时, 他从不大声叫骂,而总是用手指把桌子敲得“得得得”地响.
- Bat the tattoo made him a famous man in his village.
- 但是,他身上所刺的花使他变成了全村的名人.
- Only having the best performing machine, tattoo artists will be able to make a perfect tattoo.
- 不仅表现最好的机器, 纹身艺术家将能够作出一个完美的纹身图案.
- He has a very small tattoo on his chest.
- 他有一个非常小的纹身了他的胸部.
- All the tattoo supplies are within our range.
- 所有纹身用品,是在我们射程范围内.
- You got a tattoo again? No, kidding!
- 你说我又纹了一个文身, 真的 吗 ?
- We always participate in some important tattoo exhibitions which we can get inspiration from.
- 我们始终参与,在一些重要的纹身展览,使我们可以得到启示.
- Gatsby's foot beat a short , restless tattoo and Tom eyed him suddenly.
- 盖茨比的脚不耐烦地连敲了几声, 引起汤姆突然瞧了他一眼.
英汉文学 - 盖茨比
- Anyway , we look in the jar, and there's the tattoo around the nipple.
- 我们看看那瓶子, 在乳头周围有文身.
- He beat a tattoo with his fingers on the table.
- 他用指头咚咚地连敲着桌子.
- She notices he has a tattoo on his neck but the detective, Brian Boone, dismisses it.
- 警察把Krista去到了太平间认尸(就是才先引诱那个死去的妓女那个警察).
- At nine o'clock at night, the tattoo was beaten.
- 晚上9点钟击鼓号令将士们归营就寝.
- He has a tattoo on the back of his hand.
- 他手臂上有一文刺.
- She's having a tattoo done on her leg.
- 她要在腿上刺纹身.
- Can you imagine what my dad would do if I came home with a tattoo?
- 你能想象如果我父亲发现我纹身会是什么反应 吗 ?
- Meantime the hellish tattoo of the heart increased.
- 同时心脏的地狱般的纹身增加.
- Tomorrow, I will have a tattoo with Keita, Ryuichi, and Ryohei's names on my skin.
- 明天我讲会在我的皮肤上弄庆太, 龙一和凉平名字的文身.
- I'm getting a tattoo tomorrow.
- 我明天要去刺青.
- Because the color remains under the skin, a tattoo is usually permanent.
- 因为颜料在皮肤下面, 所以纹身的图案一般不会消失.