equivocate 基本解释
- vi. 说模棱两可的话;支吾, 躲闪;推诿;含糊其词
equivocate 词态变化
第三人称单数: equivocates;过去式: equivocated;过去分词: equivocated;现在分词: equivocating;
equivocate 英文词源
- equivocate (v.)
- early 15c., equivocaten, from Medieval Latin equivocatus, past participle of equivocare "to call by the same name, be called by the same name, have the same sound," from Late Latin aequivocus "of identical sound" (see equivocation). Related: Equivocated; equivocating.
equivocate 英文释义
- 1. be deliberately ambiguous or unclear in order to mislead or withhold information
equivocate 双语例句
- 1. Don't equivocate with me I want a straight answer to a straight question!
- 别跟我绕弯子--我问的问题直截了当,回答也要直截了当!
- 2. You can tell when they're stressed out, they'll equivocate and vacillate.
- 当他们压力过大时,你是可以辨别出来的, 因为他们会支支吾吾、犹豫不决.
- 3. They waver while the latter stand firm, they equivocate while the latter are forthright.
- 前者动摇,后者坚定, 前者暧昧,后者明朗.
equivocate 实用场景例句
- Don't equivocate with me I want a straight answer to a straight question!
- 别跟我绕弯子--我问的问题直截了当,回答也要直截了当!
- You can tell when they're stressed out, they'll equivocate and vacillate.
- 当他们压力过大时,你是可以辨别出来的, 因为他们会支支吾吾、犹豫不决.
- They waver while the latter stand firm, they equivocate while the latter are forthright.
- 前者动摇,后者坚定, 前者暧昧,后者明朗.