masticate 基本解释
- vt. 咀嚼;粉碎;撕捏
- vi. 咀嚼;粉碎;撕捏
masticate 词态变化
第三人称单数: masticates;过去式: masticated;过去分词: masticated;现在分词: masticating;名词: mastication;
masticate 中文词源
masticate 咀嚼来自拉丁语masticare,咀嚼,来自PIE*mendh,咀嚼,词源同mandible,mouth.
masticate 英文词源
- masticate (v.)
- 1640s, back-formation from mastication, or else from Late Latin masticatus, past participle of masticare "to chew." Related: Masticated; masticating.
masticate 英文释义
- 1. grind and knead;
- "masticate rubber"
- 2. chew (food);
- "He jawed his bubble gum"
- "Chew your food and don't swallow it!"
- "The cows were masticating the grass"
masticate 双语例句
- 1. Americans now masticate 86 million pounds of meat every day.
- 美国人现在每天要吃掉八千六百万磅的肉.
- 2. Today, Americans masticate 86 million pounds of meat every day.
- 今天, 美国人每天要吃掉八千六百万磅肉.
masticate 实用场景例句
- Her mouth was working, as if she was masticating some tasty titbit...
- 她的嘴在动,好像在嚼什么好吃的。
- Don't gulp everything down without masticating.
- 不要不加咀嚼就把什么都给一股脑地吞下去。
- Americans now masticate 86 million pounds of meat every day.
- 美国人现在每天要吃掉八千六百万磅的肉.
- Today, Americans masticate 86 million pounds of meat every day.
- 今天, 美国人每天要吃掉八千六百万磅肉.