K 英文词源
- K
- Roman letter, from Greek kappa, ultimately from Phoenician and general Semitic kaph, said to be literally "hollow of the hand," so called for its shape. For more on the history of its use, see C. As a symbol for potassium, it represents Latin kalium "potash." Slang meaning "one thousand dollars" is 1970s, from kilo-. K as a measure of capacity (especially in computer memory) meaning "one thousand" also is an abbreviation of kilo-. As an indication of "strikeout" in baseball scorekeeping it dates from 1874, said to be from last letter of struck, perhaps because first letter already was being used as abbreviation for sacrifice. The invention of the scorecard symbols is attributed to U.S. newspaperman Henry Chadwick (1824-1908) of the old New York "Clipper."
Smith was the first striker, and went out on three strikes, which is recorded by the figure "1" for the first out, and the letter K to indicate how put out, K being the last letter of the word "struck." The letter K is used in this instance as being easier to remember in connection with the word struck than S, the first letter, would be. [Henry Chadwick, "Chadwick's Base Ball Manual," London, 1874]
K 英文释义
- 1. denoting a quantity consisting of 1,000 items or units
K 双语例句
- 1. Sen. John K Nordqvist
- 约翰∙K. 诺德维斯参议员
- 2. The final letter is very vague; possibly an R or a K.
- 最后一个字母很不清楚, 可能是R,也可能是K.
- 3. Vitamin K is routinely given in the first week of life to prevent bleeding.
- 出生后第一周通常要服用维生素K,以防止出血。
- 4. "Is Mary Ann O.K?" — "She's fine," she said evenly.
- “玛丽·安还好么?”——“她很好,”她平静地说。
- 5. O.K. I'll sign off. We'll talk at the beginning of the week.
- 好,就说到这儿吧,下周初我们再谈。
K 实用场景例句
- "Is Mary Ann O.K?" — "She's fine," she said evenly.
- “玛丽·安还好么?”——“她很好,”她平静地说。
- O.K. I'll sign off. We'll talk at the beginning of the week.
- 好,就说到这儿吧,下周初我们再谈。
- It's O.K. I smoothed things out.
- 没事,我已经把事儿摆平了。
- The boiling point of water is 373 K.
- 水的沸点是373开氏度。
- Sen. John K Nordqvist
- 约翰∙K. 诺德维斯参议员
- The U . K . consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
- 英国由大不列颠和北爱尔兰组成.
- O . K . I'll go with you. -- That's more like it.
- 好吧,我和你一同去. -- 这才像话.
- " O . K.! " yelled a chorus of four.
- 4人齐声叫道 “ 好! ”
- That film is O . K . for children.
- 那片子适合孩子们看.
- O . K . , do it that way.
- 着, 就这样干吧.
- I do not regard the constitution of the U . K . as set in concrete.
- 我认为英国的宪法并非不可改动.
- Very little was done to progress the case in the first 10 or so months after K was charged.
- 在K被指控后最初的10个月左右,这个案子进展缓慢。
- The young man was surprised , and then smiled , " O. K. Five yuan. "
- 小伙子一愣, 旋即笑了: “ 给五块钱吧. ”
汉英文学 - 散文英译
- K is the symbol used for the kelvin units of temperature.
- K为开氏温度单位符号.
- The new K - car will be due out within the year.
- 我们新型的K 型 车在一年内便可以推出了.
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