Sherman 英文词源
- Sherman
- type of U.S. medium tank used in World War II, 1942, named for U.S. Civil War Gen. William T. Sherman (1820-1891). The surname is from Old English scearra "shears" + mann "man;" hence "shearer of woolen garments."
Sherman 英文释义
- 1. United States general who was commander of all Union troops in the West; he captured Atlanta and led a destructive march to the sea that cut the Confederacy in two (1820-1891)
- 2. American Revolutionary leader and signer of the Declaration of Independence and the Articles of Confederation and the United States Constitution (1721-1793)
- 3. a peak in the Rocky Mountains in central Colorado (14,036 feet high)
- 4. a town in northeastern Texas near the Oklahoma border
Sherman 双语例句
- 1. Meanwhile Grant held Lee before Richmond until Sherman closed on him.
- 同时格兰特把李牵制在里士满的前方,直到谢尔曼将他包围.
来自英汉非文学 - 历史
- 2. " Oh, spare me your saga about shooting Yankees and facing Sherman's army.
- " 唔, 以后别再给我吹那些枪击北方佬和顶着谢尔曼军队的英雄事迹了.
- 3. Sherman Grome's crap game was listed on the big board at six.
- 大告示牌上列出谢尔曼?格罗姆的掷骰子游戏是在6点钟.
- 4. Paul Sherman Yale was small, spry and upright.
- 保罗·谢尔曼·耶尔身材矮小, 动作敏捷,站得笔挺.
- 5. Sherman Adams was cold and blunt.
- 谢尔曼·亚当斯为人冷漠,说话生硬.
Sherman 实用场景例句
- Meanwhile Grant held Lee before Richmond until Sherman closed on him.
- 同时格兰特把李牵制在里士满的前方,直到谢尔曼将他包围.
英汉非文学 - 历史
- " Oh, spare me your saga about shooting Yankees and facing Sherman's army.
- " 唔, 以后别再给我吹那些枪击北方佬和顶着谢尔曼军队的英雄事迹了.
- Sherman Grome's crap game was listed on the big board at six.
- 大告示牌上列出谢尔曼?格罗姆的掷骰子游戏是在6点钟.
- Paul Sherman Yale was small, spry and upright.
- 保罗·谢尔曼·耶尔身材矮小, 动作敏捷,站得笔挺.
- Sherman Adams was cold and blunt.
- 谢尔曼·亚当斯为人冷漠,说话生硬.
- " Very kind. I suppose you heard how he saved our house twice when Sherman was here.
- " 真好埃我想你大概听说了,谢尔曼在这里时他两次救出了我们的房子.
- And , then , there was a man named Sherman who was being mentioned more and more often.
- 还有个名叫谢尔曼的人,他在人们口头正日益频繁地出现.
- It is with a feeling of relaxation that Sherman station is left behind.
- 看到舍尔曼车站被抛在后面,心中涌起一股轻松感.
- Its response, the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890, was brief and to the point.
- 据此要求制订的1890年谢尔曼反托拉斯法, 简明而扼要.
- Sherman Adams had earned the reputation of keeping icy cold no matter how hot the situation.
- 谢尔曼·亚当斯素以冷静著称,不管局势如何.
- The General Sherman tree would block three, full 12 - foot wide lanes.
- 一棵谢尔曼将军树足以堵住3条整整12英尺宽的车道.
- Any of you heard of P . Sherman , 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney?
- 你们听说过悉尼瓦鲁比路42号的皮雪蔓 吗 ?
- Sherman. 50 Cal upgrade reduced to 75 Mun ( from 100 ).
- 谢尔曼坦克点50口径升级价格由100降低到75弹药.
- July 1944 - A Sherman tank of the Sherbrooke Fusiliers Regiment advancing into Caen.
- 1944年7月11日 - 阿舍布鲁克步兵团的团谢尔曼坦克到卡昂前进.
- A third candidate was John Sherman , the Secretary of the Treasury.
- 布莱恩.第三个候选人是财政部长约翰.
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