dissenter 词态变化
复数: dissenters;
dissenter 英文词源
- dissenter (n.)
- 1630s, in 17c. especially of religions (with a capital D- from 1670s); agent noun from dissent.
dissenter 英文释义
- 1. a person who dissents from some established policy
dissenter 双语例句
- 1. The role of the dissenter is not for the weak - kneed.
- 反对者的角色不是软弱之人所能够担当的.
- 2. In this way, Galileo is a force for democracy, becomes Galileo the " dissenter. "
- 这样, 作为民主力量的伽利略, 便成了“持不同政见者 ” 伽利略.
- 3. The two parties disprove the theory of the other, but unite in persecute the dissenter.
- 尽管这两党各自不同意它党的理论, 在迫害持异议者这一点上却是一致的.
- 4. Tower of London ( 1597 ) Catholic dissenter John a rope stretched from the Tower a getaway rowboat.
- 伦敦塔 ( 1597年 ) 不信奉英国国教的天主教徒JohnGerard爬上了塔顶伸下来的一条绳子,登上一条小船逃之夭夭.
dissenter 实用场景例句
- The Party does not tolerate dissenters in its ranks.
- 该政党不允许其成员中存在异见分子。
- In this way, Galileo is a force for democracy, becomes Galileo the " dissenter. "
- 这样, 作为民主力量的伽利略, 便成了“持不同政见者 ” 伽利略.
- The two parties disprove the theory of the other, but unite in persecute the dissenter.
- 尽管这两党各自不同意它党的理论, 在迫害持异议者这一点上却是一致的.
- Tower of London ( 1597 ) Catholic dissenter John a rope stretched from the Tower a getaway rowboat.
- 伦敦塔 ( 1597年 ) 不信奉英国国教的天主教徒JohnGerard爬上了塔顶伸下来的一条绳子,登上一条小船逃之夭夭.