languor 基本解释
- n. 疲倦;无精打采;柔情;呆滞
- vi. 变得衰弱无力
languor 词态变化
副词: languorously;形容词: languorous;
languor 中文词源
languor 慵懒来自languid,懒洋洋的。
languor 英文词源
- languor (n.)
- c. 1300, "disease, distress, mental suffering," from Old French langor "sickness, weakness" (Modern French langueur), from Latin languorem (nominative languor) "faintness, feebleness, lassitude," from languere "be weak or faint" (see lax). Sense shifted to "faintness, weariness" (1650s) and "habitual want of energy" (1825).
languor 英文释义
- 1. a relaxed comfortable feeling
- 2. a feeling of lack of interest or energy
- 3. inactivity; showing an unusual lack of energy
languor 双语例句
- 1. She, in her languor, had not troubled to eat much.
- 她懒懒的,没吃多少东西。
- 2. A delicious languor was stealing over him.
- 一种美滋滋懒洋洋的感觉悄悄传遍他的全身。
- 3. It was hot, yet with a sweet languor about it.
- 天气是炎热的, 然而却有一种惬意的懒洋洋的感觉.
- 4. The idea of being misled suffused her with languor.
- 被人引入邪路的想法使她变得懒洋洋的.
- 5. She had been existing in a suppressed state , and not in one of languor, or stagnation.
- 她并不是在慵懒,呆滞之下生活着,而是在压伏 、 抑制之下生活着的.
languor 实用场景例句
- She, in her languor, had not troubled to eat much.
- 她懒懒的,没吃多少东西。
- A delicious languor was stealing over him.
- 一种美滋滋懒洋洋的感觉悄悄传遍他的全身。
- It was hot, yet with a sweet languor about it.
- 天气是炎热的, 然而却有一种惬意的懒洋洋的感觉.
- The idea of being misled suffused her with languor.
- 被人引入邪路的想法使她变得懒洋洋的.
- She had been existing in a suppressed state , and not in one of languor, or stagnation.
- 她并不是在慵懒,呆滞之下生活着,而是在压伏 、 抑制之下生活着的.
- It was hot, yet with a sweet languor about it ( Theodore Dreiser )
- 天气是炎热的, 然而却有一种惬意的懒洋洋的感觉 ( 西奥多德莱塞 )
- Queasiness , headaches and languor afflicted her all day.
- 恶心 、 头痛和乏力整天折磨着她.
- Languor was still upon the eyes of the dawn, and the dew in the air.
- 倦意还逗留在黎明的眼上, 露润在空气里.
- Languor is upon your heart and the slumber is still on your eyes.
- 乏倦压在你的心上,你眼中尚有睡意.