show-off 词态变化
复数: show-offs;
show-off 英文词源
- show-off (n.)
- 1776, "a display;" see show (v.) + off (adv.). From 1801 as "a deliberate and ostentatious display;" in reference to the person who makes such a display, attested from 1924. The verbal phrase is first recorded 1793 as "make a conspicuous and obvious display." Noun showing-off is from 1874.
show-off 英文释义
- 1. someone who deliberately behaves in such a way as to attract attention
show-off 双语例句
- 1. Leshka waved him away with a show of irritation.
- 廖什克恼火地挥手让他离开。
- 2. The evening show was terrible, with hesitant unsure performances from all.
- 晚上的演出很糟,所有人都缩手缩脚,显得很不自信。
- 3. This show, too, was virtually sold out before it opened.
- 这场演出的门票也是几乎在开演前就销售一空了。
- 4. Who do you suppose will replace her on the show?
- 你觉得谁会代替她参加这场演出?
- 5. It was time now to show more political realism.
- 现在是拿出更多政治务实精神的时候了。
show-off 实用场景例句
- Somebody likes to show off in public.
- 有人就喜欢在公共场合出风头.
- It is very shameful of him to show off.
- 他向人炫耀自己,真不害臊.
- Come , shut up, father, don't show off.
- 啊,得啦, 父亲, 不要婆婆妈妈的了.
- Sue wanted to show off her new dress.
- 苏要炫耀一下她的新连衣裙.
- " I am truly grateful that Mr. Fang is willing to show off his eloquence.
- 我感激得很方先生肯为我表演口才.
汉英文学 - 围城
- Her friends egged on Mabel to spend money to show off.
- 梅布尔的朋友们怂恿她花钱摆阔气.
- Both sexes, therefore, have reason to show off.
- 因此, 两性都有理由炫耀自己的魅力.
- He likes to show off his masculine physique.
- 他喜欢炫耀他的阳刚之气.
- He likes to show off his abilities.
- 他喜欢卖弄自己的才能.
- This is a great opportunity for all kids to show off at using Chinese!
- 这是一个让小朋友,大朋友用中文展现才艺及同乐的机会.
- He tore apart a book to show off his strength.
- 他一把将书撕开,以显示他的力气.
- Although he wants to make a hit, I think he hasn't got much to show off.
- 虽然他想大出风头, 不过我以为他没有什么可炫耀的.
- Not to mention to show off myself.
- 更不必说炫耀我自己.
- True friends do not show off or put each other down.
- 真朋友是不会彼此炫耀或贬抑.
- Gold hangings were used to show off the pictures.
- 金色的吊帘被用来突出那些图片.
- Your great name long since reached my ears like thunder. I am ashamed to show off my incompetence in the presence of an expert like yourself.
- 先生大名,如雷灌耳, 小弟献丑,真是班门弄斧了.
- He loved to show off his protean talent.
- 他喜欢炫耀他的各式各样的才能.
- She did a quick twirl to show off her dress.
- 她轻快地一转身,炫耀自己所穿的衣服.
- They have a tendency to show off, to dramatize almost every situation.
- 他们爱炫耀,几乎对每种情况都添油加醋。
- The interests he is most likely to enjoy will be those which enable him to show off himself or his talents.
- 他最有可能感兴趣的就是那些能让他表现自己或炫耀才华的事情。
- The player was given hardly any opportunities to show off his talents.
- 那位选手几乎没有得到什么机会展示自己的天赋。
- Body builders shave their chests to show off their muscles.
- 健美运动员剃去胸毛以展示肌肉。
- All right, there'sno need to show off.
- 好了,没必要炫耀。