frieze: [16] Phrygia, in western and central Asia Minor, was noted in ancient times for its embroidery. Hence classical Latin Phrygium ‘of Phrygia’ was pressed into service in medieval Latin (as frigium, or later frisium) for ‘embroidered cloth’. English acquired the word via Old French frise, by which time it had progressed semantically via ‘fringe’ to ‘decorative band along the top of a wall’.
frieze (n.1)
"sculptured horizontal band in architecture," 1560s, from Middle French frise, originally "a ruff," from Medieval Latin frisium "embroidered border," variant of frigium, which is probably from Latin Phrygium "Phrygian; Phrygian work," from Phrygia, the ancient country in Asia Minor known for its embroidery (Latin also had Phrygiae vestes "ornate garments"). Meaning "decorative band along the top of a wall" was in Old French.
frieze (n.2)
type of coarse woolen cloth with a nap on one side, late 14c., from Old French frise, probably ultimately from a German or Dutch word meaning "to curl" and related to frizzle.
frieze 英文释义
1. an architectural ornament consisting of a horizontal sculptured band between the architrave and the cornice
2. a heavy woolen fabric with a long nap
frieze 双语例句
1. The Corinthian painter's primary ornamental device was the animal frieze.
2. Any tyro collector entering Frieze should first read The $ 12 m Stuffed Shark by economist Don Thompson.