parliament 词态变化
复数: parliaments;
parliament 中文词源
parliament 议会,国会来自古法语parler,说话,词源同parley,parlor.引申词义说话的地方,后用于指议会,国会。
parliament 英文词源
- parliament
- parliament: [13] The French verb parler ‘talk’ has made a small but significant contribution to English. Amongst its legacies are parlance [16], parley [16], parlour [13] (etymologically a ‘room set aside for conversation’), and parliament itself. This came from the Old French derivative parlement, which originally meant ‘talk, consultation, conference’, but soon passed to ‘formal consultative body’, and hence to ‘legislative body’. French parler was a descendant of medieval Latin parabolāre ‘talk’, which was derived from the Latin noun parabola (source of English parable, parabola, and parole).
=> ballistic, parable, parlour - parliament (n.)
- c. 1300, "consultation; formal conference, assembly," from Old French parlement (11c.), originally "a speaking, talk," from parler "to speak" (see parley (n.)); spelling altered c. 1400 to conform with Medieval Latin parliamentum.
Anglo-Latin parliamentum is attested from early 13c. Specific sense "representative assembly of England or Ireland" emerged by mid-14c. from general meaning "a conference of the secular and/or ecclesiastical aristocracy summoned by a monarch."
parliament 英文释义
- 1. a legislative assembly in certain countries (e.g., Great Britain)
- 2. a card game in which you play your sevens and other cards in sequence in the same suit as their sevens; you win if you are the first to use all your cards
parliament 同义词解析
parliament, congress
parliament: 指英国或加拿大等国的议会,通常用大写形式。
congress: 指美国等国的国会,也可指代表大会。
parliament 双语例句
- 1. The Estonian parliament has passed a resolution declaring the republic fully independent.
- 爱沙尼亚议会已经通过了宣布共和国完全独立的决议。
- 2. He said parliament and the process of democracy had been debased.
- 他说议会和民主程序已遭贬值。
- 3. Politicians say it could lead to a dissolution of parliament.
- 政客们说这可能会导致议会解散。
- 4. A point of order was raised in parliament by Mr Ben Morris.
- 本·莫里斯先生在议会就程序问题提出质询。
- 5. The European Parliament badly needs a president who can burnish its image.
- 欧洲议会急需一位能改善其声望的主席。
parliament 实用场景例句
- The German parliament is called the ‘Bundestag ’.
- 德国的议会称为Bundestag。
- a Member of Parliament
- 议会议员
- the issue was debated in Parliament
- 议会就这个问题进行了辩论。
- an Act of Parliament
- 议会法案
- to win a seat in Parliament
- 赢得议会中的一个席位
- to be elected to Parliament
- 当选为议会议员
- We are now into the second half of the parliament.
- 我们现已进入了本届议会的后半任期。
- to dissolve Parliament (= formally end its activities) and call an election
- 解散议会并下令举行大选
- Parliament today approved the policy, but it has not yet become law.
- 议会于今天批准了这项政策,但尚未成为法律。
- The legislation is expected to be passed in the next parliament.
- 预计这项法案将在下一届议会中通过。
- The king convoke parliament to cope with the impending danger.
- 国王召开国会以应付迫近眉睫的危险.
- He has been reelected to Parliament.
- 他被重新选入议会.
- The chairman opened the Parliament.
- 主席宣布议会开始.
- The power to change the law resides in Parliament.
- 修改法律的权力属于国会.
- She was accused of deliberately misleading Parliament.
- 她被指控故意误道议会.
- The British Parliament consists of the House of Lords and the House of Commons.
- 英国议会由上院和下院组成.
- He prided himself on being a member of Parliament.
- 他以身为国会议员而自豪.
- The proposed bill was decisively defeated in Parliament.
- 提案在议会中遭断然否决.
- Parliament is seen as a rubber stamp for decisions made elsewhere.
- 议会被看作橡皮图章,只会批准他人的决定。
- A point of order was raised in parliament by Mr Ben Morris.
- 本·莫里斯先生在议会就程序问题提出质询。
- His first tilt at Parliament came in the same year but he failed to win the seat.
- 同年,他首次尝试进入国会,但没有赢得席位。
- The Upper House of the German parliament is to meet today in Berlin.
- 德国的上议院今天将在柏林开会。
- Kaifu threatened to dissolve the Parliament and call an election.
- 卡夫威胁要解散议会并举行选举。
- Legislation to that effect created fierce controversy both in Parliament and outside.
- 那类立法在议会内外都引起了激烈的争论。
- The system of proportional representation has led to the minority parties continually holding the balance of power in the parliament.
- 比例代表制使得少数党在议会中频频拥有举足轻重的地位。
- We are now piloting through Parliament a new strategy to tackle youth crime.
- 我们正促使议会顺利通过解决青少年犯罪问题的一项新策略。
- Parliament returns to work today after its summer recess.
- 国会在结束夏季休会后今天开始恢复工作。
- Students tried to form a human chain around the parliament.
- 学生们试图在议会四周围成人墙。