expropriate 词态变化
第三人称单数: expropriates;过去式: expropriated;过去分词: expropriated;现在分词: expropriating;名词: expropriation;
expropriate 中文词源
expropriate 征用ex-, 向外。-propr, 自己的,词源同property, appropriate. 即自己的东西被拿走,后指征用。
expropriate 英文词源
- expropriate (v.)
- 1610s, back-formation from expropriation, or from earlier adjective (mid-15c.), or from Medieval Latin expropriatus, past participle of expropriare "to deprive of one's own." Related: Expropriated; expropriating.
expropriate 英文释义
- 1. deprive of possessions;
- "The Communist government expropriated the landowners"
expropriate 实用场景例句
- The Bolsheviks expropriated the property of the landowners.
- 布尔什维克征收了地主的财产。
- The communist government expropriated the landowners.
- 这个共产主义政府没收了土地所有者的土地.
- If you fall into arrears with the loan, your pledged property will be expropriated.
- 你若拖欠贷款不还, 你抵押的财产就会被没收.
- The state expropriated the king.
- 国家没收了国王的财产.
- That required a cutoff of American aid if American property was expropriated without fair compensation.
- 它要求在美国财产被没收而未获公平合理赔偿时停止美国的援助.
- Properties expropriated by the administrative law enforcement organs or judicial organs.
- 行政执法机关或者司法机关没收、追缴的财产.