scintillate 词态变化
第三人称单数: scintillates;过去式: scintillated;过去分词: scintillated;现在分词: scintillating;
scintillate 中文词源
scintillate 发光,火花,闪耀智慧来自 scintilla,火花,火星,-ate,使。引申词义才智,智慧等。
scintillate 英文词源
- scintillate
- scintillate: see tinsel
- scintillate (v.)
- 1620s, from Latin scintillatus, past participle of scintillare "to sparkle, glitter, gleam, flash," from scintilla "spark" (see scintilla). Related: Scintillated; scintillating.
scintillate 英文释义
- 1. give off;
- "the substance scintillated sparks and flashes"
- 2. reflect brightly;
- "Unquarried marble sparkled on the hillside"
- 3. emit or reflect light in a flickering manner;
- "Does a constellation twinkle more brightly than a single star?"
- 4. physics: fluoresce momentarily when struck by a charged particle or high-energy photon;
- "the phosphor fluoresced"
- 5. be lively or brilliant or exhibit virtuosity;
- "The musical performance sparkled"
- "A scintillating conversation"
- "his playing coruscated throught the concert hall"
scintillate 双语例句
- 1. Her eyes scintillate anger.
- 她的眼睛闪烁着愤怒的光芒.
scintillate 实用场景例句
- Her eyes scintillate anger.
- 她的眼睛闪烁着愤怒的光芒.