Napoleon 英文词源
- Napoleon
- used in reference to various qualities and things associated with 19c. French emperors of that name, especially Napoleon I (Bonaparte) (1769-1821), such as a gold coin issued by his government and worth 20 francs. As a 12-pound artillery piece, in use in U.S. military from 1857 (in this case, from Napoleon III (1808-1873), under whose rule it was designed). As a type of boot, by 1860; as a card game, by 1876; as a type of rich cake, from 1892; as a type of good brandy, from 1930. The name also was applied by 1821 to anyone thought to have achieved domination in any field by ambition and ruthlessness. Napoleon complex in reference to aggressiveness by short people is attested by 1930. Related: Napoleonic.
Napoleon 英文释义
- 1. a rectangular piece of pastry with thin flaky layers and filled with custard cream
Napoleon 双语例句
- 1. The Prosecutor looked toward Napoleon, waiting for him to thunder an objection.
- 检察官朝拿破仑望去,等他大声抗议。
- 2. He is under the delusion that he is Napoleon.
- 他患了妄想症,认为自己是拿破仑.
- 3. Beethoven at first dedicated his Heroes Symphony to Napoleon.
- 最初贝多芬把他的《英雄》交响曲献给了拿破仑.
- 4. Historical analogies, as between Napoleon and Hitler, ought not to be carried too far.
- 历史的类比, 如拿破仑与希特勒之间的类比, 不应做过头.
- 5. The professor wrote a lengthy book on Napoleon.
- 教授写了一部有关拿破仑的巨著.
Napoleon 实用场景例句
- He is under the delusion that he is Napoleon.
- 他患了妄想症,认为自己是拿破仑.
- Beethoven at first dedicated his Heroes Symphony to Napoleon.
- 最初贝多芬把他的《英雄》交响曲献给了拿破仑.
- The professor wrote a lengthy book on Napoleon.
- 教授写了一部有关拿破仑的巨著.
- He portrayed Napoleon in the play.
- 他在戏里扮演拿破仑.
- Napoleon's army was sacrificed on the altar of folly in the disastrous Russian campaign.
- 在灾难性的俄国战役中,拿破仑的军队成了这一愚蠢之举的牺牲品。
- " At the sight of Napoleon, the young Frenchman clich & # 233 ; d his heels together. "
- 一见到拿破仑, 年轻的法国士兵两只脚跟 喀嚓 一声并拢,立正敬礼.
英汉 - 翻译样例 - 文学
- At 16, Napoleon received a commission as a second lieutenant of artillery.
- 16岁的拿破仑得到了炮兵少尉的任命状.
- Napoleon's attempt to alter that balance was characteristically bold and risky.
- 拿破仑改变均势的企图非常大胆,也十分冒险.
- He voted against Napoleon in 1814 and rallied to Louis XVIII.
- 他在1814年投票反对拿破仑,而依附了路易十八.
- Several years later, they heard that Napoleon himself was coming to inspect them.
- 几年以后, 听说拿破仑本人要来视察他们.
- The fall of Toulon was generally credited to Napoleon's strategy and organization.
- 人们通常把土伦的攻占归功于拿破伦的战略和组织工作.
- Dirty linen should be washed in private , as Napoleon used to say.
- 拿破仑说过,脏衣服得躲在家里洗.
- Napoleon's commanders insisted that he give up the throne.
- 拿破仑的司令官们也坚决主张他放弃帝位.
- Our teacher outlined Napoleon's Russian Campaign in class.
- 我们老师在课堂上概述拿破仑的征俄战役.
- Napoleon subdued much of Europe.
- 拿破仑征服了大半个欧洲.
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