impractical 词态变化
名词: impracticality;
impractical 中文词源
impractical 不切实际的im-,不,非,practical,切合实际的。
impractical 英文词源
- impractical (adj.)
- 1823, from assimilated form of in- (1) "not, opposite of" + practical. Impracticable in the same sense dates from 1670s.
impractical 英文释义
- 1. not practical; not workable or not given to practical matters;
- "refloating the ship proved impractical because of the expense"
- "he is intelligent but too impractical for commercial work"
- 2. not practical or realizable; speculative;
- "airy theories about socioeconomic improvement"
- "visionary schemes for getting rich"
impractical 双语例句
- 1. It became impractical to make a business trip by ocean liner.
- 乘坐远洋班轮进行商务旅行变得不合时宜了。
- 2. Geniuses are supposed to be eccentric and hopelessly impractical.
- 天才通常都被认为行为古怪而且毫无实践能力。
- 3. When stalking subjects, a tripod is impractical.
- 潜步跟踪目标时,用三脚架是不切实际的。
- 4. It was totally impractical to think that we could finish the job in two months.
- 认为我们能在两个月之内完成这项工作,这完全是不切实际的。
- 5. The ideas of a visionary may seem impractical to us.
- 在我们看来,空想家的观念好像不切实际.
impractical 实用场景例句
- It was totally impractical to think that we could finish the job in two months.
- 认为我们能在两个月之内完成这项工作,这完全是不切实际的。
- Geniuses are supposed to be eccentric and hopelessly impractical.
- 天才通常都被认为行为古怪而且毫无实践能力。
- It became impractical to make a business trip by ocean liner.
- 乘坐远洋班轮进行商务旅行变得不合时宜了。
- When stalking subjects, a tripod is impractical...
- 潜步跟踪目标时,用三脚架是不切实际的。
- The study saidlonger hours, possibly associated with better qualified jobs, may make owning a dog impractical.
- 研究指出,养狗需要投入更多的时间, 这可能导致繁忙的白领养狗有些不切实际.
- Just like castles in the air, this idea is totally impractical.
- 你这个想法简直就是空中楼阁,不可能实现的!
- Scientific research without careful observation is impractical.
- 科学研究不作仔细观察是不切实际的.
- If different data is formatted with different cultures, operations such as sorting might be impractical.
- 如果不同数据用不同的区域性设置格式, 诸如排序这样的操作将可能无法进行.
- For Clyde's parents had proved impractical in the matter of the future of their children.
- 克莱德的父母,对子女们的前途,一向没有切合实际的打算.
- When the committee got down to details, the proposed plan seemed impractical.
- 当委员会讨论细节是, 提出的计划就显得不那样实际了.
- The business proposition was rejected as impractical.
- 这个生意上的提议因不适用而未被采纳.
- Under some circumstances, it may be impractical to make a station completely automatic.
- 在某些情况下, 变电站完全自动化是做不到的.
- The ideas of a visionary may seem impractical to us.
- 在我们看来,空想家的观念好像不切实际.
- Men aggravate me when they go on about how impractical women are.
- 男人们不断地谈论女人是如何不切实际的时候使我恼火.
- The heavy damping makes it impractical to read gravity directly from the displacement of the beam.
- 高阻尼不能使其直接从横臂的位移读出重力值.
- Follow the instructions, no matter how abstract or impractical they may, at first, appear to be.
- 不论这些指示刚开始看来有多抽象、多不切实际, 都要切实遵行.
- The implementation of digital equipments would have been otherwise impractical due to size and cost.
- 受体积和成本的限制,制造这些数字设备是不现实的.
- However, it is often impractical to take physical inventory counts when interim financial statements are prepared.
- 然而, 为编制中期财务报表而进行实地盘点通常是不切合实际的.
- Changing the source resistance is usually impractical for noise reduction.
- 为了降低噪声,改变源电阻通常是不实际的.
- An entirely rigid system is impractical.
- 一套完全死板的体制是不实际的.
- This is your polar attraction . You are impractical and this will really try the Virgoan's patience.
- 完全没可能走到一起. 不切实际的你简直在考验处女座的耐心.
- He rejected my suggestion as impractical.
- 他以不切实际为由拒绝了我的建议.
- He was hopelessly impractical when it came to planning new projects.
- 一到规划新项目,他就完全没有了实际操作的能力.
- Such a solution proved impractical.
- 这样一种解决方法证明是不切实际的.
- A theory that proved impractical in practice.
- 一个被证明在实践中不实用的理论.
- The design was scrubbed at the drawing board stage as being impractical.
- 这一设计图纸还未画出就被认为不实用而遭废弃.
- My original intention was to study all morning, but this turned out to be impractical.
- 我原本打算整个上午都学习, 可是后来发现行不通.