equivocation 英文词源
- equivocation (n.)
- late 14c., "fallacy of using a word in different senses at different stages of the reasoning" (a loan-translation of Greek homonymia, literally "having the same name"), from Old French equivocation, from Late Latin aequivocationem (nominative aequivocatio), noun of action from aequivocus "of identical sound, of equal voice, of equal significance, ambiguous, of like sound," past participle of aequivocare, from aequus "equal" (see equal (adj.)) + vocare "to call" (see voice (n.)).
equivocation 英文释义
- 1. a statement that is not literally false but that cleverly avoids an unpleasant truth
- 2. intentionally vague or ambiguous
- 3. falsification by means of vague or ambiguous language
equivocation 双语例句
- 1. Why doesn't the President say so without equivocation?
- 为什么总统不直截了当地说呢?
- 2. These actions must be condemned without equivocation.
- 对这些行为必须毫不含糊地予以谴责。
- 3. With caution, and with some equivocation, Bohr took a further step.
- 玻尔谨慎地而又有些含糊其词地采取了更深入的步骤.
- 4. Then she with a pretty equivocation went on: " Julia is about my height. "
- 然后她用巧妙的双关话说: “ 朱利娅差不多跟我一般高. ”
- 5. I do not suspect him of equivocation, still less of lying.
- 我不认为他在闪烁其词, 更不用说怀疑他撒谎了.
equivocation 实用场景例句
- Why doesn't the President say so without equivocation?
- 为什么总统不直截了当地说呢?
- With caution, and with some equivocation, Bohr took a further step.
- 玻尔谨慎地而又有些含糊其词地采取了更深入的步骤.
- Then she with a pretty equivocation went on: " Julia is about my height. "
- 然后她用巧妙的双关话说: “ 朱利娅差不多跟我一般高. ”
- But they can affirm the principles of Mr Geithner's proposals equivocation.
- 但他们可以明确确认盖特纳提议的原则.
- But Congressional equivocation also reflects Congressional ambivalence.
- 但是国会的模棱两可也反映了国会的矛盾心理.
- Equivocation is first cousin to a lie.
- 支支吾吾,其言必诈.
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