numerology 词态变化
形容词: numerological;
numerology 中文词源
numerology 数字占卜学numer-,数字,-logy,学说。一门研究数字神秘意义的学说。
numerology 英文词源
- numerology (n.)
- 1911, "study of the occult meaning of numbers," a hybrid from Latin numerus "a number" (see number (n.)) + Greek -logia (see -logy). A correct formation would be arithmology, from Greek arithmos "number." Related: Numerological; numerologist.
numerology 英文释义
- 1. the study of the supposed occult influence of numbers on human affairs
numerology 双语例句
- 1. The number eighty-eight is very lucky in Chinese numerology.
- 88是中国数字占卜学中非常幸运的数字。
- 2. The validity of such numerology is an open question.
- 这种数字学的真实性是一个公开的问题.
- 3. Part superstition and part self - fulfilling prophecy , numerology is a basic trading strategy in China.
- 部分迷信,部分 自我 感觉,数字学成为中国股民的基本交易策略.
- 4. Empiricism and quantitative tradition of educational research: constructing the numerology of scientific methodologies.
- 经验主义与教育研究的量化传统: 建构科学方法论的数字学.
- 5. In general, his theories are based on the followings: ancient mathematics, geometry, numerology and astrology.
- 大体而言, 他的理论基于以下几种学科: 古代数学 、 几何学 、 占数学和占星学.
numerology 实用场景例句
- Part superstition and part self - fulfilling prophecy , numerology is a basic trading strategy in China.
- 部分迷信,部分 自我 感觉,数字学成为中国股民的基本交易策略.
- Empiricism and quantitative tradition of educational research: constructing the numerology of scientific methodologies.
- 经验主义与教育研究的量化传统: 建构科学方法论的数字学.
- In general, his theories are based on the followings: ancient mathematics, geometry, numerology and astrology.
- 大体而言, 他的理论基于以下几种学科: 古代数学 、 几何学 、 占数学和占星学.