1690s, from French malfaisance "wrongdoing," from malfaisant, from mal- "badly" (see mal-) + faisant, present participle of faire "to do," from Latin facere "to do" (see factitious). Malfeasor "wrong-doer" is attested from early 14c. Related: Malfeasant.
malfeasance 英文释义
1. wrongful conduct by a public official
malfeasance 双语例句
1. The mayor is condemned for the monstrous malfeasance of his administration.
2. For me they are only entities , emblems of social malfeasance.
他们对我来说只不过是几个客观存在的人, 社会上渎职行为的代表而已.
3. The mayor was accused of malfeasance after the audit was completed and irregularities were discovered.
4. The international anti - corruption pact prescribes that the scope of bribe is the malfeasance good.
国际 反 腐败公约也规定贿赂的范围为不正当好处.
5. None is in as bad a condition as Greece and none has shown the same malfeasance.