lobbyist 词态变化
复数: lobbyists;
lobbyist 中文词源
lobbyist 说客来自lobby,游说。
lobbyist 英文词源
- lobbyist (n.)
- 1863, American English, from lobby (n.) in the political sense + -ist.
[A] strong lobbyist will permit himself to lose heavily at the poker-table, under the assumption that the great Congressman who wins the stake will look leniently upon the little appropriation he means to ask for. [George A. Townsend, "Events at the National Capital and the Campaign of 1876," Hartford, Conn., 1876]
lobbyist 英文释义
- 1. someone who tries to persuade legislators to vote for bills that the lobbyists favor
lobbyist 双语例句
- 1. Her husband is a lobbyist, and familiar with almost every senator.
- 她的丈夫是位说客, 几乎跟每位参议员都熟.
- 2. In an hour long philippic , the legislator denounced the lobbyist opposing his bill.
- 在一个小时的漫骂演说中,立法者猛烈抨击议案通过者反对他的议案.
- 3. Sometimes in America we call the lobbyist public affairs, government relations or other names.
- 有时,在美国我们以公共事务 、 政府关系或别的名称来称呼说客.
- 4. Li: Could you define the two terms - public relations and lobbyist respectively to our large number of readers?
- 李: 您可以为我刊广大读者分别定义一下公共关系和说客这两个词 吗 ?
lobbyist 实用场景例句
- Li: Could you define the two terms - public relations and lobbyist respectively to our large number of readers?
- 李: 您可以为我刊广大读者分别定义一下公共关系和说客这两个词 吗 ?