loophole 词态变化
复数: loopholes;
loophole 中文词源
loophole 观察孔,漏洞原指墙上的小洞,后用于比喻义漏洞。
loophole 英文词源
- loophole (n.)
- also loop-hole, mid-15c., from Middle English loupe "opening in a wall" for shooting through or admitting light (c. 1300), perhaps related to Middle Dutch lupen "to watch, peer;" + hole (n.). Figurative sense of "outlet, means of escape" is from 1660s.
loophole 英文释义
- 1. an ambiguity (especially one in the text of a law or contract) that makes it possible to evade a difficulty or obligation
- 2. a small hole in a fortified wall; for observation or discharging weapons
loophole 双语例句
- 1. He was consistent in what he said, and there was no loophole.
- 他说话严密, 没有漏洞.
- 2. It is estimated that 60,000 shops open every Sunday and trade by exploiting some loophole in the law to avoid prosecution.
- 据估计,每逢周日开门营业的店铺有6万家,通过钻法律漏洞躲避检控。
- 3. The head of Job Anderson , the boatswain, appeared at the middle loophole.
- 水手长 乔伯 -安德森的脑袋出现在了中间那个枪眼里.
来自英汉文学 - 金银岛
- 4. I turned to the loophole nearest me and looked out.
- 我走到离我最近的一个枪眼向外望去.
来自英汉文学 - 金银岛
- 5. He saw no solution of anything -- not a loophole left.
- 他想不出有什么 出路 --连一条缝隙也没有.
来自英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹
loophole 实用场景例句
- a legal loophole
- 法律的漏洞
- to close existing loopholes
- 堵住现有的漏洞
- It is estimated that 60,000 shops open every Sunday and trade by exploiting some loophole in the law to avoid prosecution.
- 据估计,每逢周日开门营业的店铺有6万家,通过钻法律漏洞躲避检控。
- A loophole in the law allowed them to escape prosecution.
- 法律的漏洞使他可以逃过起诉.
- That bureaucratic loophole allowed her to save more Jews than the far better known Oscar Schindler.
- 官僚机构的漏洞让她得以救出更多的犹太人,相比名声更响亮的奥斯卡辛德勒救得还要多.
- He was misplaced , disorganized , miscalculated, overlooked everything and opened every loophole.
- 他用非所学,事事失算, 处处出错, 把一切全忽略了,造成了种种漏洞.
- Bite out of a loophole, Baiqian this loneliness.
- 咬出了一个缺口, 排遣这寂寞.
- But a local newspaper has called for the state legislature to close the loophole.
- 但是当地的一报纸呼吁州立法机关堵上这种漏洞.
- Discovered a little loophole In the Stalag Luft postal service.
- 找到史塔拉格洛福特的邮寄系统漏洞.
- Trade and investment offers a big loophole for Chinese and foreign firms.
- 贸易和投资给中国和国外的公司提供一个巨大的漏洞.
- Otherwise, an IPO would constitute a giant tax loophole.
- 否则, IPO将构成一个巨大的税收漏洞.
- Second Law of Criminal Procedure itself loophole.
- 第二,《刑事诉讼法》本身的漏洞.
- In addition, as aresult of the system existence loophole, the medical insurance waste is especially serious.
- 此外, 由于体制存在漏洞, 医疗保险浪费尤其严重.
- He was consistent in what he said, and there was no loophole.
- 他说话严密, 没有漏洞.
- The rules were loosely enforced and a loophole.
- 可是当时的规定执行乏力并且存在漏洞.
- Malicious node uses protocol loophole launching collusion attack, it badly affects the normal operation of network.
- 恶意节点利用协议漏洞发起合谋攻击, 将严重影响网络的正常运行.
- But a local newspaper has called for the state legislature to close loophole.
- 但当地一家报纸呼吁该州立法机关修补这个法律漏洞.
- The head of Job Anderson , the boatswain, appeared at the middle loophole.
- 水手长 乔伯 -安德森的脑袋出现在了中间那个枪眼里.
英汉文学 - 金银岛
- This loophole has allowed the burgeoning trade to develop.
- 这个漏洞使得象牙贸易越做越大.
- Or it burrowed through the problem by some circuitous loophole of logic.
- 或者通过某种拐弯抹角的逻辑漏洞草草掠过问题.
- I turned to the loophole nearest me and looked out.
- 我走到离我最近的一个枪眼向外望去.
英汉文学 - 金银岛
- Of course, if you use this procedure and found a loophole BUG, please contact us promptly.
- 当然, 如果您在使用本程序时发现了BUG和漏洞, 请及时与我们联系.
- Every law a loophole.
- 各项法律都有漏洞.
- Suddenly Jijisi says: " More double eye is staring at malic product closely now, seek loophole. "
- 霍奇基斯说: “ 现在有更多双眼睛紧盯着苹果产品, 寻找漏洞. ”
- A good lawyer can always find a loophole.
- 精明的律师总能找到漏洞.
- Putting the matter this way takes care of both possibilities and leaves no loophole.
- 这样的提法,就没有弊病,都管到了.
- Does this not create a big loophole?
- 这岂不是留下了一个大漏洞?
- Through an arrow loophole he commanded a view upon the farther side.
- 他从一个箭洞里可以观察到那边的动静.
- In reality, the loophole could not be practically exploited.
- 事实上, 却难以实际利用这个漏洞.
- Similar to other system, invade to examine the system oneself to also usually exsits safe loophole.
- 与其他系统一样, 入侵检测系统本身也往往存在安全漏洞.