rearguard 中文词源
rearguard 后卫部队rear,后面的,guard,守卫。
rearguard 英文释义
- 1. a detachment assigned to protect the rear of a (retreating) military body
rearguard 双语例句
- 1. They have been fighting a rearguard action for two years to stop their house being demolished.
- 两年来,为了不让拆除他们的房子,他们一直在进行最后的努力。
- 2. Mr Urban looks increasingly like someone fighting a rearguard action to keep their job.
- 厄本先生越来越像为了保住工作作最后一搏的那些人。
- 3. The government is fighting a rearguard action against the mass of public opinion.
- 政府冒天下之大不韪负隅顽抗.
rearguard 实用场景例句
- Mr Urban looks increasingly like someone fighting a rearguard action to keep their job.
- 厄本先生越来越像为了保住工作作最后一搏的那些人。
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